Indiana Baseball Hall of Fame
Jasper, IN 47546
The sponsoring body of the Indiana Baseball Hall of Fame is the Indiana High School Baseball Coaches Association, IHSBCA, which has served the baseball coaches of Indiana since 1971. The first inductions were in July 1979, and as of 2018 there are currently 189 inductees in the hall of fame in four categories: pro-player, coach-manager (high school, college, pro), contributor and veteran. The veteran is selected by a committee of retired or long-time coaches. All other inductees must receive 65% of total votes cast by IHSBCA member coaches.
Regular Hours
Thursday – Sunday // 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Closed: December 23 – January 5
Holiday Closings
Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Weekend, Christmas, New Years
Admission Fees
4 and under: Free
5-12: $3.00
13 and up: $4.00
60 and up: $2.00
On the campus of Vincennes University Jasper
Ruxer Student Center